Recycling Services in Lawndale are provided by a franchise agreement with:
Republic Services
(800) 299-4898
Recycle Resources in Lawndale
Lawndale Launches Commercial Organics Recycling AB 1826
Food Waste Recycling
Construction & Demolition Recycling Plan
Mandatory Commercial Recycling - Assembly Bill 341 requires all residential apartment buildings of 5 or more units, and all businesses that generate four or more cubic yards of refuse per week to have a recycling program in place. A recycling program can reduce your trash collection service and may save you money. For more information, please call Republic Services at 1-800-299-4898 or click on the fact sheets for additional information.
Mandatory recycling requirements for apartments
Mandatory recycling requirements for businesses
"Recycle Today Summer 2024"
Residential Guide to Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling
Business & Multifamily Guide to Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling
"23-year old went two years without creating any trash"