The Commodities program is open to people of all ages that are in need of food. The food is supplied by the Food Bank of Southern California and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Foodbank obtains and distributes donations of highly nutritious food that the City of Lawndale picks up from the warehouse, packs, and distributes weekly. The food received each week varies and sometimes consists of canned goods, frozen, and/or fresh produce.
Food Distribution Information

- The Commodities Program is located at the community center:
14700 Burin Avenue.
- Food is distributed every Wednesday beginning at 10:00am, until it runs out.
- Food is limited and lines to pick up food form early.
- Food is dispersed on a first come, first serve basis for those who qualify.
- Emergency Food Assistance (EFAP) eligibility guidelines
Lawndale is a HEAL City
For more information regarding this program please contact the Community Services office: (310) 973-3270