The City of Lawndale was incorporated on December 28, 1959 as a general law city. Rather than having a city charter (which is like a constitution for cities), it is organized and operates in accordance with guidelines in state laws. Like most general law cities, Lawndale is governed by a five-member, part-time City Council and operates under a City Council/Manager form of government. In this form of government, a full time City Manager administers the affairs of the city under the direction of the City Council. The City Manager, in turn, exercises control over and supervises all departments and divisions of the city government and all appointive officers and employees, with the exception of the City Clerk and City Attorney. In addition to the professional staff, the City Council is supported by a number of appointed commissions and committees, each being responsible for advising and assisting the City Council within certain prescribed areas. Your city government, therefore, is organized as follows: